Reader profile: Shun

With the PS reader profiles, we’re always looking to add something different - a different style, a different age, hopefully at some point a different location.
Although Shun’s love of classic menswear will be shared by many, he is a little different from previous subjects in his affinity for colour, and for streetwear. We’ve skewed his outfits here towards the classic, but still you can see elements creeping in.
Most of all, I love the way Shun clearly enjoys his clothes, and the carefree way he wears them. I hope you find a little joy and inspiration, as ever, somewhere in the mix.
Outfit 1: Cord suit
Hey Shun, thanks for doing this. Do you want to walk me through the first outfit?
Sure. So this green-cord suit is from Novel Mart, the shirt is from Bryceland’s and the tie is from Drake’s. Pretty classic for British menswear I guess. The shoes are JM Weston 180s, with Gammarelli purple socks.
What do you do for a living and how does this fit in?
I work as a consultant in IT, sitting between finance and retail [ecommerce] at the moment.
Before Covid, if you were in the office, particularly in finance, you would wear a suit and a poplin shirt, maybe with a tie - although in the past five years most people have started going without. Since Covid, the default is more what I’m wearing in the second outfit [below] - an oxford shirt and chinos, maybe not white but a beige or a navy chino. Often a blazer of some kind.
I work at home a lot now, so then I’m more casual, like the third outfit. The great thing about remote working is also that I don’t have to travel as much. Before Covid I would be in different cities around the UK all the time.
So does anyone wear a suit?
Some of the senior guys do. They’ll certainly always be in a shirt and smarter trousers. And if anyone is seeing a client they’ll smarten up a bit - so I would usually wear a suit then, pretty classic, a navy suit and poplin shirt. With loafers all the time actually; I can’t remember the last time I wore lace-ups.
Working as I do between different areas, you can also see the variation in wardrobes. So in retail everyone is very casual, but in finance it’s smarter. I think you can see that between different professions too - bankers are more likely to be in tailoring, and lawyers more likely still, but accountancy firms are more casual.
How has the casual trend highlighted differences in style?
It’s interesting, I think it’s more obvious now that some people care and others don’t. It’s much harder to hide when everyone isn’t wearing a suit.
Outfit 2: Tweed jacket
Run us through the brands here.
This is a Drake’s tweed jacket, I think in a W Bill fabric. The oxford shirt is from Bryceland’s again, the trousers are from Casatlantic (Tangier cut - the widest one) and the loafers are Alden cordovan.
I love how much colour you’re working into this outfit and the last one. Has that always been your style?
Yes I think so, especially pastels. I’m wearing a little more black these days, as I’m seeing it around, but really most of what I wear is colourful, striped oxfords and tweeds, big checks.
The only difference in the past 10 years is probably that I buy better quality - I used to buy a lot of vintage tweeds online, and often the fit wasn’t always that great. In fact I’ve recently started ripping out the shoulder pads from those old jackets, and they sit better on me usually.
Did you look up anything on how to do that, or are you a decent sewer?
No, it’s all very amateur! It’s not the best way to do it really, but it’s an experiment, and the jackets were cheap so it doesn’t matter that much if it goes wrong.
Overall I’ve been pleased with them though. The fits were always quite big, so with the unpadded shoulder they sit more like overshirts almost.
You do a lot of shopping on eBay, but also buy more expensive things like the Bryceland’s oxfords. How do you decide what to spend more on?
I guess I spend less money on basics generally, but oxfords aren’t so much of a basic for me as I wear them so much. Also I have cheaper ones from Drake’s, from Jake [Wigham].
It’s also easier to find interesting tweeds second-hand, less so oxfords. Ethan [Newton, Bryceland’s] has a great selection of old oxford cloths in all these colours.
How about more designer or fashion brands?
Yes I’ll often spend more on those if it has a particularly interesting pattern or colour. Something like ALD or Bode, or a Japanese brand like Needles.
Outfit 3:
You were born in Japan but came over to the UK when you were fairly young, correct? What influence does Japan still have on how you dress?
Yes that’s right. I go back for long periods every year to see my family.
My parents and grandparents are always smartly dressed, in chinos and oxford shirts, tweed jackets, that kind of thing. I guess the Japanese version of Ivy. They all grew up in a time when people had to wear a suit and tie during the week, so they didn’t deviate much at the weekend.
Is there similar conservatism today in Japanese offices?
It’s still quite strict - the classic salaryman will still be wearing a suit and tie. But there’s more variation when people are off-duty - you can see that in the kinds of brands that are becoming popular over there, and how people dress in areas I hang out, like around Harajuku.
You can almost spot different branches of Beams in how people are dressed - one person might be more Beams Plus where there’s a lot of vintage, and another more Beams F, which is more Italian tailoring and brands.
This outfit has a few Japanese pieces right?
Yes, it’s a Rocky Mountain Featherbed jacket, a jumper from Jamieson’s but for Fennica, the socks are Rototo and the shoes are Wales Bonner Japans. With a vintage T-shirt and old Levi’s 550s.
The 550 is such a comfortable cut, and so cheap. There’s hundreds of them on eBay - I don’t think they’ve really become that popular as vintage just because they’re so cheap and plentiful.
What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to clothing?
Maybe oxfords, I buy so many oxford shirts. And vintage T-shirts recently, old band ones like this or Supreme.
I assume you’re not the kind of guy that’s queuing up outside Supreme for new releases?
No, but I will pick up vintage pieces and do go to the shop now and again. I won’t buy something with a big logo, but I’m interested in weirder stuff these days, and often Supreme will have something interesting. I got a Visvim jacket the other day which is pretty weird. Way too expensive as well.
Do you think that has happened as you’ve been working from home more, and have less of a uniform?
Yes probably. There’s more freedom to wear what I want, and even if I still love wearing tailoring, it means I can explore more unusual things as well.
Do you see that happening with your friends too?
I think so. Of course it’s no coincidence that a lot of my friends are into clothes, but I think people have more freedom now to explore their own tastes, to develop more of their style. It can be quite liberating.
Very original style and so refreshingly non-instragam’esque!
I always chuckle at those prominently displayed swastikas behind your readers…
Regarding Shun’s style, tbh this seems like the 756th iteration of a Drake’s lookbook. In fact, he could have directly walked in from the Drake’s ad currently at the top of the ad section of this site. At this point, I find this at the same time trendy and a little trite – surely you must have readers who deviate a little more from this playbook and always the same makers (or is this intentional)?
Yeah let’s not get into that again Felix. They’re not swastikas etc etc
I know what you mean about the Drake’s look, but really do you actually see many people dressed in that way day to day? I certainly don’t. I think the fact parts of it seems familiar is largely social media driven, and this mixing up of tailoring is fun and refreshing to most people.
That also might go for the fact it feels familiar in terms of brands – reader profiles have never featured Rocky Mountain, Casatlantic or Brycelands oxfords before, certainly not Wales Bonner, and never this amount of colour. It might just be that you’re used to seeing them elsewhere
Perhaps the familiarity is also derived from the fact that these brands are drawing inspiration from similar places, and as such it’s easy to view them as homogenous if not going into the fine details of cut that would differentiate them.
And that they all come from the same “recommended” shops (clutch café, Brycelands, Drake’s).
Shun’s style is quirky and as Simon says you don’t seem many people dressing like that in real life, but I don’t think it’s particularly original.
This has been the case for most of the readers’ profiles to date and I don’t think that’s necessarily problematic. I see the profiles as case studies, applying permanent style principles (and recommended brands) in real life rather than showcasing new or challenging ideas. For me, the new ideas are more often introduced in the “how to dress like…” series.
True, good point Ray.
I liked seeing Casablancas in the wild. Helpful.
Simon, perhaps you can choose a different venue for the next profile. Like a park or something. It may add some variety to the series.
As for the comments around readers dressing in a similar fashion. I think this is somewhat of inevitable isn’t it? Given we’re all part of the same community, same blog, share the same interest in clothes, discuss similar genres and share ideas and brand names with with one another. I think the series does well to highlight the slight differences in styles between profiles.
Would you expect a PS reader to dress complete designer-core? Or full on street wear? Or head to toe in black leather? Probably not.
Thanks Zo, but I deliberately use the same location every time because it creates a consistency to the series I like.
Yes you’d certainly expect people who read the same site to have some things in common when it comes to how they dress. They also tend to be fairly normal people, not fashionistas or peacocks, so the clothes are never that crazy
I loved Shun’s combination of tailoring, informality, burst of colour and sense of fun in wearing clothes. Even manages to throw in a Rocky Mountain Featherbed without missing a beat.
HAhahaha the swastikas, I can’t unsee them now.
IMO this is very true about Shuns style being that he’s a Drakes fanboy clone. To be fair the Drakes style is very appealing to a beginner because it’s all quite safe despite being different from standard Trad or British Country Looks. Just bright colours with an otherwise tepid and sloppy styling. Sure, it’s somewhat Ivy… but in that off beat British-does-Americana sort of way.
Notice that all of the people featured in the reader profile series seem to hit just about the same inflexion points in formality. None are ever more or less formal than Simon tends to be. In effect they are his spawnlings, so they roughly dress as he does just with their own deviations, which to Simon’s credit shows he’s been a relatively good teacher to them.
At least Shun had the guts to go for a shirt that wasn’t a solid blue or a white and blue yuppie striped shirt. Eventually when he musters up the courage to wear ties more often, he’ll have some nice backgrounds to put them on if the rest are as interesting as that purple striped oxford.
Regards Jeans
JL, I appreciate your contributions, but please try to be polite, or even just kind. It’s perfectly possible to say what you like and dislike without using words like clone or talking about people mustering up the courage. I don’t think it does your points any favours either unfortunately – they get a little buried in the condescending tone.
We’ve always tried to foster an atmosphere on PS where people feel they can talk openly about their preferences or concerns, unlike some other fora. Please try and keep to this level of discussion, or I won’t be able to publish your comments. Thank you.
Yeah, ok Simon. I know I’ve gone a bit too far. I’ll tone it down next time 🙂
Thank you JL, appreciated.
JL, I agree with the facts that you state – Drakes enthusiast, the quirky/sloppy Ivy, maybe a spawnling of PS, etc. Acidic, but true. I credit Shun with putting himself out there to be photographed, critiqued and compared/contrasted with others. Thanks to Simon and his capsule guides, I dress a level or two above my station and it has cost less than fast fashion. I copycat Simon’s traditional styles, but don’t get called out for it because in my circles, nobody knows Simon or PS. They do know, however, that I dress better. Simon’s global reach has lots of guys thinking differently about clothes.
Robert, yes it was acidic. I’m trying to tone it down in future… Simon has been a net positive for the menswear community as a whole, he does a good thing and it’s great to hear that his contribution has improved your life in more ways than one. And your also right in stating that he has lots of guys thinking differently about clothes.
The one thing that concerns me is that whilst Simon does teach men to “dress well” and by that, I mean he’s taught them how to wear Western costume well and how to hit inflexion points in formality that are “of their time”, what he hasn’t done is teach them how to read the language of clothes.
This isn’t a problem on face value, the issue is that there are sharks and parasites in society who also know how to “dress well”, and he doesn’t guard his readers against them. On top of that the menswear industry also knows how to contrive and market a costume at those inflexion points in formality that appeal to beginners, as do the dishonest salespeople in menswear. They are the parasites who are cannibalising the industry and the culture from the inside out.
Clothes don’t lie, and if they’re ignored or misread by a consumer, then when they’re rooked by one of these parasitic salespeople (which they inevitably will be if they’re a beginner), the consumer can’t complain because they’ve tacitly agreed since the frauds have exposed themselves visually via their costume.
*Patrick Johnson is the perfect case study of a putrid parasite in the menswear industry. (Don’t defend him Simon the mans a well-known dog)
In short if people aren’t taught the language of clothes they’re doomed to fail. That’s the harsh sobering truth. All the objects that are considered too formal or “stuffy” (a term used in the 50s and 60s by Hippies in American who rejected their fathers’ clothes with their high Dacron/polyester content that didn’t breathe well) have been thrown away so the budding enthusiast doesn’t have any of the markers or indicators that are easier to use available to them…
There is hope, but only if the Western costume illiteracy epidemic is actually addressed at some point.
Have you considered starting your own menswear blog, rather than attempting to change the tone of an existing one to fit your frankly rather peculiar and (at times) obnoxious worldview?
Noted, I’ve been on the blower too often. Point taken
Didn’t know about Patrick Johnson so I researched him and his many cringe-worthy street fashion photos.
Each man/consumer has to look out for himself when it comes to misleading advertising or ill-advised fashion choices. Appreciate your point of view and thank you for sharing! Understand what you’re conveying about Western costume illiteracy – and believe that each man must address the subject in his own time and achieve his fashion identity through trial and error.
No worries. I got a bit carried away, but it’s something that has to be said from time to time.
Yes, that’s exactly right well said.
All the best,
i dont understand your point about sharks and parasites. sounds like you’re over-thinking all of this a bit? i mean, they’re just clothes! find some that you like, put em on and enjoy! Also is this partick johnson from P Johnson tailors? i think he dresses alright, doesnt he? i like his brand image. Ive got a couple of RTW pieces bought from here and there and they’re not bad.
Zo, I think that’s self-explanatory.
Perhaps a little.
There’s a lot of meaning behind clothes as objects surely you know this yourself. I definitely enjoy the hunter gather aspect of finding clothes, and also the part about wearing and enjoying them.
Yes, it is the same Patrick Johnson from Australia. He dresses as stated above. He has a bad reputation around Sydney city for his crooked business model, and his staff members are incompetent glorified barristers with tape measures around their necks who don’t know the first thing about tailoring or a longue suit.
If you really want to learn more about his brand have a look at the comments section on any P. Johnson posts on Permanent style or any menswear forum. I’ll leave it at that.
I hope you enjoy your RTW pieces.
All the best
Amazing sens of style!
Suit from Novel Mart, eh?
Hi Jordan, I can clear this up! Prior to my time at Drakes I started a MTM brand called A Novel Suit – The precursor to A Novel Idea aka Novel Mart. This was one of the first suits I made a brisbane moss green corduroy in 3124!
Hi Lucas, are you still doing any MTM? Thanks!
Hi Alec, unfortunately not between working with Simon on Permanent Style and running Novel Mart I don’t have the time!
It’s an amazing suit! Do you still ever do MTM like this?
Hi Carter see above, thanks there are loads of amazing MTM tailors around who could do this for you though!
Nice. What comes through is a sense of enjoyment in clothing; as opposed to perhaps more elegant people who can, at times, come across as almost anxious about clothes.
I don’t think it’s possible to own too many Oxfords! Another interesting and stimulating piece demonstrating the reach of casual Americana.
I found when working from home,after a burst of colour and shapes,love the sweater BTW, how soon I returned to striped Oxfords,loafers and jeans. Smart comfort now the main driver .
Simon when is Peter Hall going to get a reader profile feature? He must be one of your most loyal readers at this point?
I usually only do the profiles with readers I’ve met in person JL
Very dapper chap. Thank you for sharing. Some very nice choices.
Great style! I love the use of color! Also, I think the sock choice on the 3 outfits is spot on! I now feel a strong urge to buy both purple and bottle green socks! By the way, Simon, what type of socks do you normally wear in your casual outfits (as your weekend default)? Do they normally play a role? Or will you wear them mostly not showing, and therefore not pay much attention to color or style? Also, lovely variation between all the reader profiles, it really makes me think about things I normally wouldn’t,, which is very interesting and fun!
Cheers José.
I wear pretty plain socks with my casual clothing – navy, grey and the occasional off-white sports sock. Mid-calf (AKA normal!)
I’m really struggling to find decent socks outside of the usual (OTC) dress socks, actually. Most italian shops offer only the former (both OTC and short, since most people regrettably wear mid-calf even with suits), and possibly some absurdly extravagant orange-yellow-red color-blocked mid-calf as addendum.
Brilliant! I’ve been dressing in more of a restrained palette for a while now, so it’s great to see such a compelling case made for colour and pattern. The kind of level Shun is buying at is also similar to mine, and I wonder if he (or you Simon, or anyone else reading!) might relate to the following (1st world…) problem: the more your knowledge in clothing grows the more discerning you are, and so the better your choices, but also the more critical and exacting your standards. I find this results in me not being 100% happy with anything I own, despite the painstaking research and time I put into each purchase. For example, today I am wearing a MTM Saman Amel jacket which I wish was 2cm longer, a Brycelands denim shirt which I would prefer to have a slightly larger collar, an Anderson and Sheppard Shetland jumper which I’d like to be a touch shorter in the body, and Real McCoys chinos which I would love to be half a inch wider at the cuff. I really like each of these items in many ways, and don’t exactly regret buying any of them, but in each case there are things I’d change. Am I just a green belt in the style stakes and will have to keep working, or does total satisfaction not exist, no matter how experienced you are?
It definitely doesn’t exist Peter! I think you need to be a little more relaxed about those things, and play around with them a bit – eg press the collar more open on the shirt so the collar looks wider, pull the ribbing up on the sweater so it sits a little higher and the body fully overlaps it. And of course alter things where possible, less widening a trouser if there’s some inlay.
But bottom line, none of it exists, keep perspective that they’re all 99% better than other things you could be wearing
Hi Peter, I have been interested in tailoring for many years now and doing bespoke for at least 10 and I cannot think of a single element of my wardrobe that I would not change in some small way.
These kinds of issues you describe are part of the journey of learning what you like and also a reflection of the evolution of your taste and preferences.
In my opinion, small “technical” details like plus or minus one centimetre of jacket length are relatively unimportant when determining if one has great style or not. If you read the comments about Shun and other readers, no (or at least very few) readers comment that somebody has great style because the width of their trouser cuff or the length of their jacket is perfect. Style in my option is much more about how you wear wear clothes, the combinations, the proportions, and the fit between what you wear and your personality.
Andrew I think we broadly agree.
My strong view is that you cannot buy style. Nor can you buy elegance. Both depend on who, and how, you are. The way you stand, hold your head, walk, sit, move generally, speak, listen and comport yourself in the company of others are all determinants of style and elegance.
Buying expensive, well made, well-fitting clothes may enhance your style and elegance, but they are not and never can be a substitute for it. They may help compensate for lack of it at the margins, but without the right underpinnings they will not make you stylish or elegant.
I know people (men and women) who dress top to toe in the finest clothes, but are not at ease with themselves and therefore look expensively awkward. Equally, I know folk who wear noting but high street and yet always have something about them.
Shun looks good because he is comfortable in his own skin. It has, in my view, little to do with what he is wearing.
Andrew/Peter, I agree with your views. You either have style, or you don’t. You can’t “get” style through what you wear. Grant, Redford, Newman, Connery all possessed a certain style, as did McQueen.
I think the point is borne out on this site. Dressing up does not equate to style, nor does it “make” you elegant. If you look at JMM, for example, you see style which comes naturally.
I do like features on other people when they appear here, as they are not about dressing up, but about how they are in real life.
I think you make some interesting points here David.
It has always occurred to me that Simon is, for the most part, dressing up for the benefit of this site. Most people would not think about wearing what he does (since he moved from writhing about bespoke), but he dresses up most weeks for our benefit.
Many thanks for this thoughtful and honest response Andrew, much appreciated!
I’m in the same position as you are I think. I feel like as my taste develops, my eye for things improves too, which is a bit of a double edged sword. There are some items of clothing I get a kind of unfettered joy out of whilst wearing. Often, I find these have been vintage finds or some wild bargain I’ve found online, where the joy is untarnished by a preciousness around a piece’s price. But also it’s a question of expectation. The higher the price, the more I’ve invested in it naturally and I then expect an item of clothing to fulfil me on some existential, self-actualising level which is delusional and insane. The cheerfully great finds I knock about in, feel like myself in and don’t get too precious about arguably get closer to achieving that feeling of catalysing my own sene of security in style because I’m not working for them, but rather they are working for me.
On a separate note, be careful with alterations if you are the highly precious sort when it comes to clothing, Peter. A bad alteration might butcher a beloved if imperfect item of expensive clothing. Not a complaint about your recommendation at all, Simon, but rather a cautionary tale on the subject. I took my much loved PS Raglan to Pinnas and Needles as I’d convinced myself that it would be that much more loved if it were a tad larger in the chest and they took so much out from around the upper waist and waist area to compensate, that the coat has lost it’s lines and has excess material sagging around the midriff in a way that is quite ugly. My girlfriend was quite despairing as to why I’d even bothered to take one of the nicest items of clothing in for alterations. Perfection is the enemy of good!
Great observations and eloquently put. I think we all go through the gyrations you talked about!
Hi Simon, Shun,
A great addition to the reader profile series. Some excellent looks and individual pieces. Not just, I would add, for younger readers.
I’ve never really got patchwork clothes, however Shun you really pull off the look with the sweater.
The jacket is great. If they fit you Drakes RTW tailoring is in my opinion excellent and their Oxford shirts (I’m on my way to their sample sample sale as I write this, hopefully for an OCBD fix!) are great too.
Btw being compared to a Drakes look-book, is something I’d say you should take as a compliment.
Thanks to you both for a bit of inspiration.
Drake’s sample sales have become such an un-enjoyable experience now.
Loved this piece… displays a style I have been into throughout my life. OCBDs and the PoW check Drake’s SC are styled perfectly. The bit about being able to notice who cares about how they dress resonates with me, as if that is the case in London, it is so much more the case in Jackson, MS USA. Keep up these pieces! I will humbly offer to be one of your first from across the pond.
Good morning !!!!! Another impressive reader profile…Shun has a nice casual style ..good for him…Simon ….great fans of Permanent Style…be safe and enjoy your week..CHEERS
So much to like here. I don’t think I could pull off that jumper, but it looks great on Shun. Those Casatlantic trousers – are they the same cloth as the ones you have, Simon? They look similar but not the same from here
No, different cotton
Also, I’m currently seeing “Jamieons” in brands!
Oh no! Thank you, I’ll correct that
Interesting clothes most of them i wouldnt wear in those combinations but thats the beauty of clothes. Everyoje can express himself with different ones. On most all of the readers articles i get an inspiration to try a new combination or a brand etc. Here the most interesting for me is the cord suit since im planing to make one myself but in a very relaxed style( i think the article of the month for me will be the upcoming cord one). By the way what watch is he wearing ?
It’s a Tudor Day Date with a linen dial
Surely it’s a champagne dial, not linen?
I can ask Shun, I’m just going on what he said
OK. Linen looks more white, champagne looks more gold. Little doubt from the photos that it is champagne.
It looks like a Rolex Day-Date but did Rolex ever make them in bicolor? Or is it a Tudor Prince bicolor?
Colorful and cool!
Interesting style. What I don’t quite understand, though, is the trend of wearing relatively wide trousers; especially at the bottom (hem?) of the trousers (and this affects many photos on Permanent Style). Also, the length of the trousers always seems a bit too long to me.
The trouser width is just a question of style Markus, I don’t think it’s something to understand necessarily
I enjoyed the article, and in the main Shun’s sensibilities, but had the same thought as Markus. Of course it’s a question of style, but surely that *is* something to understand? It’s the main thrust of this website, I’d have thought, understanding style. Wearing extremely slim-fitting suits, as was the trend in the last decade, was also simply a sense of style, but I’m sure you could make the argument why you don’t think it works or isn’t suitable for someone aiming for ‘permanent style’.
I find the wide trousers and loafers look on absolutely everything looks extreme and very much of the moment, just as those too-small skinny suits did. I suspect in a decade from now, pretty much every photo on this website will look classic and elegant… from above the knee. I think the trend will date a lot, and am reminded of your oft-repeated comment that when fashion goes extreme on lapels and the like, tailors only change more subtly. Somewhere between the very slim-fit footballer suit look and this wide turn-up look is what I think will always fit into the classic proportions that every other piece you and everyone else featured on here wears.
You’re right Jeremy, that’s all true – perhaps sometimes there’s a difference between more general advice on how you can dress in an understated, more elegant manner, and more personal examples of how readers dress?
I like wider trousers in theory but whenever I’ve tried wide chinos I’ve felt wrong, as if there’s too much visual and actual weight on my bottom half somehow. Works a bit better with a jacket. I do like loose linen trousers, maybe because the material itself is lighter.
The tweed jacket pattern is quite eye-catching. Nice selection by Shun. Is it a vintage? I don’t believe he talked about that.
No it’s from Drake’s, ready made
Great to start the Monday with a pair of JM Weston with a arcbishop sock in!
The Gammarelli shop is worth a visit if one are Rome… Flamboyant in a more un-fashion way, but fun!
It is. Article coming on them…
A tweed jacket with an oxford shirt is a winning combination, and I really like the jacket he’s wearing.
hi simon:
just wondering if my calendar is correct. will you (and samples of all of your clothes) be in new york this week wednesday through friday or saturday? travel safe.
Yes that’s right Howie – we’re here Wednesday to Saturday, upstairs from Stoffa. 4th floor, the door with the graffiti on it! 11-7
Shun’s casual fit is one of the best I’ve seen on here. Great sweater!
I like the way Shun wears his clothes; he wears colour with confidence and mixes different brands whilst preserving a certain elegance (thus avoiding the formulaic ‘Hipster Prep’ look). But much more than all of this, he looks happy.
Nice profile. thanks
It is interesting Shun’s view on the attitude to tailoring (i.e. good taste ?) of bankers and lawyers compared to accountants. It is true and it has always been that since ever. To complete the picture I would add that in my experience barristers are the ones in the business community with the best cut suits.
Hi Shun,
Many thanks for this interview. Our learn process keeps occuring – as you know – by reading those posts too.
I have two questions for you:
The first is this: how reading PS has changed your view on menswear in general and how you dress?
The second one is the following: could you spot a potential PS reader in a crowd?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
It was wonderful meeting you, Simon. The man behind this blog. Keep up the good work.
You too Guy, a real pleasure. Thanks for waiting while I grabbed a coffee – I needed it!
I did not mention it yesterday, but I must say, you have a lot of guts to leave your previous work for your current mission. Obviously this is very close to your heart and , interest, a labor of love if you will. I truly respect that and wish you all the luck.
Thank you Guy, that’s very kind – it was interesting actually, how many people were interested to talk about that side of things
Love the jumper. Are there other companies that make something similar to that?
Style, and what you are comfortable and confident in, is such an individual thing, and thank god for that. This series is good for that and doesn’t reflect the Instagram “perfection” that takes 50 selfies and an obligatory filter to reach
in general, this is too overtly colourful for me, especially the casual look, and I haven’t worn stonewashed or super faded leans since I was 25, although some favourite pairs gradually head that way
I think the second look is best on Shun, and probably that jacket is my favourite individual piece. I understand the comments about a certain ubiquitous “look” but he wears it well
I had to zoom in on that Brycelands shirt to check Shun wasn’t a messy eater 🙂
What’s your thoughts on JM WESTON shoes today?
They’re good quality and good value, but most of the styles are too chunky for me personally