My glasses: A journey in eyewear

I’ve been short-sighted since I was young, and as a result have always worn glasses. Even when I switched to contact lenses as a teenager, I continued to have glasses as an alternative, both for style and health.
Once you start to become interested in craft, of course, glasses are one more thing to become obsessed about. You learn how buffalo horn warms to the skin in a way acetate can’t; you aspire to expensive and rare pieces of tortoiseshell.
And you start to have glasses made for you. This is fairly easy to justify, as it’s rare that a ready-made frame will perfectly suit the proportions of your face. If you look through an entire collection, you will probably find one - but then you have to compromise on the style.
The eleven frames pictured here roughly chart this process of mine over the past 14 years. They are numbered and labelled in the image above.
When I went to see Frank Bonnet at Maison Bonnet in London recently, I took this collection with me, in order to show him everything I’ve had made, and what I liked and didn’t like about them.
I think he found it interesting. Certainly, it helped that it showed him the work of a range of bespoke makers - his peers.
But also, it was an easy way to demonstrate what style I liked. You’ll likely end up doing this anyway by trying on multiple frames in the shop: quicker to start with a narrow selection you already have.
Here they are, in chronological order. Plus notes and with links to old articles where I have covered them in the past.
Needless to say, I don’t endorse owning anywhere this number of frames. Optical eyewear at least should be limited to one or two, I think, given how much it defines your look. Luckily I’ve always had the drive (or excuse) of running Permanent Style to ignore this advice.
1. Francois Pinton ready-to-wear acetate
These were the first glasses I bought when I was getting into tailoring, about 12 years ago. They were from the optician around the corner, and weren’t expensive.
I loved the style, and still do. It’s a classic ‘panto’ shape in an imitation tortoiseshell which fits an elegant, classic look. The only downside is they weren’t made for me and were a little wide (I have a small pupillary distance, otherwise known as eyes that are close together - which apparently makes you look suspicious…)
Glasses pictured in Cifonelli coat shoot here
2. Francois Pinton honey-colour acetate
An attempt to buy the same style of glasses but in a more interesting colour. Will Boehlke used to stock them on his A Suitable Wardrobe shop. Unfortunately, the colour is too pale for me unless I’m rather tanned in the summer.
I do think that colour can look good, but you need a bit of colour in the skin - and it’s easier if it’s a pale tortoiseshell pattern rather than plain. Bruce Boyer and several older Italian gentlemen wear that look well.
3. Cutler & Gross ready-to-wear sunglasses
[No old image - see numbered picture at the top of the post]
An attempt to get a similar panto look, but in a sunglass. I met the Cutler & Gross team, interviewing CEO Majid Mohammadi for their in-house magazine, and liked the aesthetic.
These frames are a similar shape to the other pantos, and the pale acetate works better in a sunglass on me than optical. The quality was also a step up on Francois Pinton. I’m not sure about the metal bridge though. In fact, thinking about it now, I should really get those honey-coloured Pintons made into a sunglass.
4. Tom Davies bespoke horn
Tom Davies is a really interesting company, starting by setting up their own factory in China and then doing so in London as well. A bit disruptive and innovative on the technology side too.
These bespoke frames didn’t work that well, and in retrospect I think it was because we started from scratch. As attractive as that ‘couture’ approach is, it rarely meets expectations the first time around in my experience - in anything, but particularly in eyewear where the margins for error are tiny.
This was also right at the beginning of their service (in 2010), and I know it has changed substantially since then. I wouldn’t use my experience as a guide there.
Post on that bespoke process here
5. EB Meyrowitz bespoke acetate
With my next pair of bespoke frames, I kept it a lot simpler. I based it on a pair of ready-to-wear glasses at Meyrowitz that I already liked, and then just had a new pair made to the specifications of my face.
This was more successful. It didn’t work as an optical frame I don’t think (a bit chunky and showy) but was perfect once I changed the lenses to make them into sunglasses. Still my favourite style of sunglass I have (the ‘Starsky’).
Shots of the original optical frames here
6. Maison Bourgeat bespoke horn
I wasn’t looking to make any new frames, but when I covered the newly set-up Maison Bourgeat in Paris in 2016, Guillaume Clerc kindly offered to make me a pair. (Bourgeat is now under new management, and Guillaume has set up Ateliers Baudin.)
As it was a gift and I didn’t need anything in particular, I went for something unusual. The resulting horn was largely successful, although I find I wear them a lot less than more conservative frames. The bridge fitting was also never quite right.
Original article on Maison Bourgeat here
Review of the finished frames here
7. Eyevan ready-to-wear glasses, via Ludovic Lunetier
As I said at the start, there will always be the occasional frame that fits the contours of your face well enough ready-to-wear. (It’s not hard to see those contours - just think about your eye socket and its shape in the face.)
This was one-such frame, bought from the lovely Ludovic at his bespoke and RTW shop in Brussels. They’ve since become one of the only two or three opticals I wear - I find they particularly suit more casual clothing. I hate to admit it, but it helps that they’re a little fashionable.
8. Retrospecs vintage silver Ray-Bans, made to order
Retrospecs is based in California but supplies vintage frames to dozens of opticians around the world. I met them in Florence during a shoot, and loved this vintage pair of Ray-Bans.
The advantage of Retrospecs being so big is that they often have different sizes of any frame, and can also swap around arms and nose pieces between pairs. So even though it’s vintage, you can effectively have it made to order. I tend to wear these more with casual things like jeans.
(Retrospecs have also just joined the group for September's pop-up shop - in Week 2. Details soon.)
Shoot including those frames here
9. Retrospecs vintage silver rimless, made to order
[No old image - see numbered picture at top]
This second pair was less successful. These frames have some beautiful filigree work on the silver, and I love the vintage arms that curl around the ears. But the rimless look is not for me I don’t think - particularly not in silver, which is a little too cold.
10. General Eyewear bespoke acetate
When I got to know General Eyewear last year - just before they featured in our pop-up shop - I wanted to try their service to review them, but by this point knew exactly the way to do it.
So no sketches, no starting from scratch. Instead, I picked a frame of theirs I already liked, and an acetate, and made it to my face. Going for an acetate that I had only seen as a slab was a risk, but it worked out very well. These are the frames I wear most today, alongside the Eyevan.
Piece on those resulting glasses here
11. EB Meyrowitz bespoke acetate sunglasses
A new Meyrowitz commission, using the same process, based off the need to find a style that I really liked with tailoring. This also worked very well (after 14 years at least I’m getting better).
One of the most valuable points about this commission for me was realising how much I valued, and was prepared to pay for, good advice with bespoke commissions - as Sheel gives at Meyrowitz.
Article on that consultation process here
As well as the pairs pictured here, there are a few I have given away because I never wore them. These included a sunglass from The Bespoke Dudes (wrong size for my face really) and a bespoke pair from Cubitts.
I should also probably give away numbers 3 and 4 - and soon 1, given the Bonnet pair are very similar). I’ll cover that Bonnet pair in a full review in a couple of weeks.
Hopefully readers find going over this entire process interesting, and useful. It’s been a journey, but one with some clear lessons along the way.
You can see all eyewear-related articles on the dedicated category page, Glasses and jewellery
What was wrong with Cubitts?
The fitting in the nose was a little uncomfortable, and the style didn’t quite work. I still like the brand though, and what Tom is doing with it
The shape of nose bridge is a crucial problem. If you have a nose without a high bridge, the design of many eyeglass frames just
doesn’t fit. Simon has a high nose bridge, so that the eyeglass frame bridge can sit on it, right?
PS: Based on the photographs of Simon’s face, actually the eyeglass frame does NOT sit on his nose bridge nevertheless his nose bridge is high so the eyeglass frame meets and frames around his nose
bridge start. Looks as if the sides of both eyeglass ovals rests on the sides of his nose.
I am very engaged by sunglasses, but have no need of bespoke ones.
Persol make one frame size and shape what is perfect to my visage (they make many size of same shape). And so I have about 8 different ones; black, yellow, amber, tortoise and colours of green, blue, grey glasses too.
Good courage Simon!
I do’nt really have much knowledge about glasses,optical or for the sun.I do hope though that I have gained some insight into quality.A few years ago I purchased a brace of Persol sunglasses,the 714 and the Capri.Both were bought online,from Hong Kong if I remember correctly.They were not super expensive but I was immediately impressed by their quality.The strange thing is that if I see Persols in a high street shop and examine them I end up feeling underwhelmed by their lightweight and perceived lack of quality.
Where’s the beautiful storage box from?
A street market in Morocco. Bought 18 years ago now – I hitchhiked there from Oxford for charity
Most high street opticians are totally useless when dealing with people like myself who need to wear glasses all the time.
They don’t want to go to the trouble of seeing what sizes would fit your face or what other sizes come in a particular frame you like.
Smaller independents are better but can cost more.
Personally I prefer frames that don’t distract from your face or become a feature.
To that end I prefer rimless and am astonished that so few opticians bother to help you select the lens shape, correct arm length or bridge width.
Its an industry that seems to profit massively to a degree where it feels like it is exploitative of people with short sight.
I have worn glasses since I was a small kid. It took a lifetime to discover what I really like. I now only buy Lindberg as they are so light and most of their dispensing opticians tend to be better at helping one find the correct lens shape for face. I have about 6 pairs so I can rotate them when my prescription changes. On the sunglasses front I have discovered Maui Jim who will fit Maui prescription lenses – well worth the price.
It’s worth bearing in mind that one wears one’s optical glasses all day, every day, for years, so this is the item where paying a little more for style is better value for money than anywhere else.
Big fan of Eyevan glasses. They have nailed the intersection of retro-ly stylish and artisanal, without being outlandish.
Bespoke frames certainly gets one closer to the ideal but are generally not worth the price or the time of acquisition, imo. Once one knows one’s measurements, finding a good ready to wear piece is possible for the vast majority of consumers.
I’m interested in the fit pics for your Tom Davies. It seems that, owing to your short PD and the desire to have the frames actually stretch across your face, your eyes aren’t centered in any of the frames. The result almost makes you look cross-eyed. I’m not sure if this is the case with any of the other frames as there are no other frontal shots, but I’m curious if you ever considered shortening the bridge further, thinning out the rims as they approach your nose, lightening the colors similarly, or simply narrowing the frames so that your eyes are center, which seems to me the most important quality in well-fitted frames.
You’re right that my PD and width of face often means that’s the primary challenge with creating a frame.
But yes, on most other frames I had the bridge is smaller to centre the eyes. There are other images of those frames at the links.
Having a slightly lighter colour frame also helps – the General Eyewear ones are a good example there.
On the need for bespoke, I think you’re right most people can find a style they like. But if you’re fitting is slightly unusual, or you’re quite specific about the style you want, then I find there’s more benefit to it. More MTM than bespoke though really – the latter is more for very original, artistic creations
No thoughts on Lunor?
FWIW, my 2 favorite pairs of sunglasses (out of 7 or 8) are Lunor. Great hinges and construction.
I would recommend getting them while in the EU though. In the US they have quite an up charge.
The custom Ray-bans are by far the best shape for your face.
Ironic, since it is one of the few (only?) frames Simon has that are square, and not round.
Thanks for sharing this. Most interesting. A bit of an eyewear fanatic myself.
You forgot to tag the spectacles case! Where’s that from? Nothing like a nice case for the collection!
The wooden case? See comment above – it was bought in a Marrakesh street market…
Beautiful works of art! Haha, I liked the paragraph in which you “don’t endorse” anyone to acquire that many eyeglasses 🙂 Indeed, our girlfriends or wives would leave us (and they’d be right to do so) if we’d start buying and commissioning as much stuff as you do, haha!
Hi Simon, many thanks for the very interesting article. Do you find horn frames whilst beautiful rather lacking in user-friendliness? The fit is difficult to adjust as they do not respond well to heat treatment – meaning that the making of the frame has to be pretty spot on. More importantly, the horn material dries out over time and needs TLC in terms of keeping them suitably nourished, almost like leather. This makes them a rather high maintenance proposition especially when one has multiple pairs to deal with. What are your thoughts?
Good points on horn. Yes, it is hard to adjust, which is not a problem from a good maker but I would say is a reason to be cautious with an unknown or cheaper maker. You might get stuck with poor fit, as you say.
The maintenance of horn is not too much of a problem for me though, to be honest. They need cream rarely, perhaps once every six months, and even if you forget you can take them back into the shop and they can get them nourished again. Not an issue I’ve really had (and I’m not great on this kind of maintenance)
Simon, I would suggest that you look to adding more squarish frames. As another poster pointed out, the one pair that is “most” squarish, seems to stand out (in a good way).
Suggest, to everyone it is all too easy to have the optical shop suggest what naturally goes with your face and head shape, and explore alternatives. I believe it probably relates to the shop thinking that most customers only have one or two frames, so it is best to go with the shape that is most versatile..
Hey Simon,
I was wondering if you ever tried wooden frames? I own one from an Austrian company called “Rolf” ( In the beginning I was afraid of being the frame a bit too showy but I decided to give it a try, because I need glasses only for reading. So wearing the frame was limited to my office environment. But after a couple of years now, and in comparison to other frame materials I consider a well done wooden frame as an unusual but good choice. Other than the usual materials, wooden frames change their appearance and age very nicely. Also, wood frames are lighter in average than other materials (referring to full frames, not frameless or titanium, etc.). Last but not least, wood is a sustainable material.
I just wanted you to be aware of this potential alternative.
Thanks Karsten. I don’t own any, but I have seen them – in particular Rolf – and tried them. To be honest, my fear was being showy as well, so interesting to hear your experiences.
Hello. Interesting post.
I am tired of contact lenses. I am trying to shift to eyeglasses, my bridge is quite wide tho. I cannot find any frame that suits me, I am thinking about going bespoke.
Any tails of a company which can made them bespoke with online scanning of your face? Thanks in advance.
Hi Carlos,
I’m afraid I have tried that kind of online service a couple of times over the years, without success. Even with ready-made glasses, they really are something you need to see and try in person. Small differences in style shape make a big difference to how they appear – just as small changes to your face itself does.
Generally speaking, men have 3 areas of ‘bling’ they can show off on.
1. Eyewear.
2. Watches.
3. Cuff links.
I think all of us should put a little more effort to be creative in those areas….and eyewear quite probably at the top of the list.
(How many men who would not dream of limiting themselves to a single watch or set of cuff links, do so with something that sits on their face…)
Hi Simon, what do you think of clip-on sunglasses? I currently have a pair of prescription sunnies, but hate having to switch between then and my normal pair. Especially annoying on holiday when frequently moving in and out of shops, museums etc. Cubitts bespoke clip-one were suggested to me just last week.
No mention of them in your piece so I wonder how you deal with the problem?
Good question Harry. I have prescription sunglasses. I have tried clip-ons from Cubitts but I found them a little too heavy.
This’s very interesting. I’m wondering what your views are on metal frames, as opposed to acetate (or horn). In your view, are metal frames more causal (best worn casually) than other types of material – especially if they’re not rimless?
Thanking you in advance for your kind advice.
I think metal frames usually look quite smart, but more than that they tend to appear modern, where acetate (particularly in a brown or any tortoiseshell pattern) appears traditional.
Thanks for this! Who would you recommend, purely from the perspective of getting the best help and advice with selecting a model (style, colour etc) that suits your face? In particular, how would you rank General Eyewear vs. Tom Davies in this respect? I am thinking optical frames for daily wear, not sunglasses.
General Eyewear were good, but I can’t really speak to Tom Davies as it’s so long since I used them
Eyevan offer horn frames with nose pads. I have not tried them yet but imagine they could be better suited to narrow noses than most normal horn frames. Would you find the look acceptable?
I’m not sure, I’d have to try it. Instinctively it feels like it wouldn’t work, but I might well be wrong.
Hi Simon,
Excellent selection of eyewear. What lenses did you put on your Retrospecs? Any preferences for the different shades of grey, brown, G15 etc for sunglasses?
I’m terribly surprised that you didn’t try the Anglo-American Optical 406, since many of these are heavily influenced by them. If they’re good enough for Bruce Boyer, they deserve a try.
So many companies, including Oliver Peoples, were inspired by the Anglo American 406 model.
Hi Simon
Any general guidelines when choosing frame colour? Should a choice be made based on hair colour and complexion? Or should it be based on matching to the colour of one’s clothes? I’m thinking perhaps, if wearing brown shoes, brown frames would perhaps be better. Thoughts?
Hair and skin colour and much more important I think. But it’s not something I’ve ever looked into in depth.
I think even if you wore black shoes and dark suits every day, a brown frame could still look good.
I have dark brown hair and eyes but a slightly dark complexion. Do you think black frames with dark green lenses work?
It’s hard to say remotely, but I think so yes. Also it sounds like those are sunglasses – you can always get away with a lot more in terms of colour and proportion with sunglasses
Simon do you have a bespoke glasses company you can recommend to make a very simple, thin gold rim frame? I like Maison Bonnet but they use acetate and it’s not quite their style, so I don’t think they’ll do it?
I think they might. Wire frames are a different process and do require different machinery. However, most bespoke makers will work with a wire-maker to construct frames like that.
If they don’t do it, I think others like Cubitts and General Eyewear do.
Funky designs love them, great article
I’m looking to get a new pair of glasses, I’m ideally looking for somewhere that can give advice on what would work best for my face shape/etc.
I’m thinking of General Eyewear, Cubitts or Cutler and Gross. Which one would you go for?
On the basis of advice along, I’d go with General Eyewear. You’re likely to get the most expertise there. The others are more chains
Truly surprised that you didn’t mention/try Anglo American 406 frames. They are the classics that everyone else has copied.
I’m not sure how much it matters which company came up with the original designs – it doesn’t improve the quality of them. I don’t like blatant copying or false credit taking, but these frame designs have been re-worked and re-designed so many times by so many companies that I don’t think it’s much of a factory any more.
Hello Simon. Could I please get your advice on the stowing of eyewear with tailoring?
I’ve only just started wearing reading glasses this year and while they’ve revolutionised life in front of a screen, I only really need them for that purpose. I’d bought a slim leather case to protect them whilst in my jacket’s inside pocket, but with my bespoke jackets it’s not particularly comfortable, or it creates a visible bulge when the jacket is buttoned. I have a bulkier hard case but carrying them around in my hand is just asking to lose them wandering from office to office.
Is this something you’ve encountered? Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I haven’t, but it sounds like you just need to carry a bag. As most men do really, if they have a big phone, keys, wallet etc
The only easy alternative is carrying the glasses in your outbreast pocket. The only danger there being them falling out
Hi Simon I was wondering if Cutler and Gross bespoke service are worth it if it costs around 1000 pounds in London. I know Maison Bonnet and EB Meyrowitz for a while. By comparison does this seem a bit obscure given CG is already a mass-produced brand? Thank you.
Yes, I wouldn’t go for Cutler & Gross myself. It’s more of a made-to-measure service, and not the same level of quality at all.
Hi Simon, you mentioned name “Panto” for a type of shaped frame. Please could you do a list of the different types of frames?
The reason I ask is when I Google different types of frames it generally comes up with oval, square, round etc but nothing with the names.
I can try Joel, but I don’t think it will necessarily be that useful a list. There are some historical shapes, like panto and aviator, but they only cover a small part of the market – it’s not as if this area has been categorised, it’s just that some shapes resemble particular ones that were popular in the past. Oval, round, square etc is a more useful way to understand them most of the time. Panto is a roughly round shape but a little flattened at the top, a little longer at the bottom
Hi Simon,
I wear glasses since my early childhood. Now I would like to spend some money in a bespoke frame. So I’ve read plenty reviews concerning bespoke eyewear, especially in Paris. You did a review concerning the well known “maison bonnet” and even the newly established “atelier baudin”. What’s your point of view? Is there a remarkable difference concerning quality, service etc. between these both house (except the cost)?
Is it true that “perfect is the enemy of good” in the case of bespoke eyewear?
Thank you for your advice!
I certainly think you can try too hard to get perfection, yes. But with a good maker there shouldn’t be that much of a risk.
Based on my experience, I would rate Bonnet very highly and say there is that much of a difference, yes.
I know how much you and this community appreciated craftsmanship of bespoke work but since i have limited budget,
Can you please recommend any good RTW sunglasses brands that i should look into.
Thank you
I haven’t really covered that much I’m afraid Guy, so it’s hard to say. They’re also much more standard when you go lower down the market – just don’t pay for a big brand if you can help it
Thank you for your advise,
please let me go a little deeper on the previous question.
From your experience,if i want a classic style of sunglasses made.
which maker would you recommend or regarded as giving the most value for money paid.
regarding the quality of the product and giving the best advice for someone who never experience bespoke glasses before.
Thank you.much appreciated.
It depends what you want to pay for Guy – a cheaper offering will always deliver ultimately more value, as all quality has diminishing returns with price.
If you want something cheaper, I’d look at Cubitts perhaps. If price isn’t really a problem, Bonnet
I have looked into your previous ans from others.
you also mentioning General eyeswear and Meyrowitz
How do you compare those to Cubitts?
or your perspective on those has changed.
Thank you
Both are a higher level than Cubitts, but Cubitts is cheaper – I was suggesting that as a good lower priced option
Thank you for clarify your answer.
It is really helpful especially someone like myself who never experience any bespoke glasses before.
Oh good, pleased to hear it Guy
Hi Simon, I live overseas and don’t come to Paris or London as I’d like or as is needed in order to properly order some bespoke eyeglasses. Do you know/recommend some artisan and good quality RTW eyewear brands? Many thanks!
Hi Pedro,
I would strongly suggest looking for a local shop or supplier that can fit you there. Far more important than quality, with glasses, is having a shape that suits your face and that fits well (eg on the ears). So which shops are in your city/location?
Hi Simon – some beautiful pieces here, I’m a big fan of Eyevan. I’d also recommend taking a look at Jacques Marie Mage if you’re not familiar with them. A lot of their models are very bold and fashion-forward and probably not your kind of thing but they do have some which are a little more subtle. They’re really beautifully made, even if the styling isn’t to your taste, I think you’ll be very impressed with the product. I wear their “Sheridan” model in a translucent grey and enjoy wearing them model than any other frames I’ve had.
Thank you DF, I had seen them, on some friends too, and been a little put off by the styles. So good to know there are other more subtle styles
Hi Simon,
this is a great post.
I have a question, I am thinking about getting transition (or photochromic) lenses in a pair of spectacles. They seem practical but fairly old fashioned. In your view would you advise getting distinct sunglasses (which are made as sunglasses) or add transition lenses to a pair of spectacles (it may be worth adding that the spectacles I have in mind are metal, polished and Japanese made, so very light).
Your time reviewing this is very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
In my experience the transition lenses often end up looking a little in between normal optical and sunglass a lot of the time, which is usually not the look the wearer wanted (imagining a more clear switch from one to the other). For that reason I would prefer separate sunglasses
Hi Simon
This’s a very insightful blog. Thank you.
Due to a prescription change I’m looking for new spectacles. I am thinking of going for rimless and, although I am told Japanese manufacturers are the very best when it comes to frames, I am thinking of rimless, and some experts say Cartier is the very best when it comes to rimless glasses. I would really appreciate your insight on Cartier frames and rimless glasses.
I’m afraid I don’t have any information on either I’m afraid Faiz, sorry
Hi Simon,
When it comes to building a wardrobe, how critical do you think a pair of sunglasses are?
You don’t typically wear sunglasses in your posts. Do you view them as a wardrobe essential?
It’s certainly something I want in the summer, mostly because it looks cool and at that time is practical too. Never wear them unless the weather looks like it needs them!
Hi Simon,
What is your opinion on gradient lenses as opposed to solid ones?
Gradient lenses can be useful, particularly if you like reading in the sun for example. It’s also not a particularly unusual of flashy look, if the gradient is from normal dark to something a little lighter. Basically, not just a tinted lens, which doesn’t offer that much protection and isn’t that practical unless you wear them indoors as well.
Tints are measured on a scale from 0 to 4. Zero is nothing, 4 is only needed for things like skiing with harsh glare. Normal sunglasses are 3. Tints are 1 or 2.
Hi Simon
Thank you very much for this post. It’s excellent!
For sunglasses, what would you consider to be the most versatile lens colour?
I need prescription sunglasses, it may just need to be a gradient tint that can easily be worn indoors but I am not at all clear on what shade can be worn for walking around in the sun and dipping in and out of shops without constantly having to change spectacles from sunglasses to a prescription glasses.
Thanking you in advance for your kind time reviewing this message and advice.
I would ask an optician about that, it’s really not a style question. It depends how much shade you need, how sensitive your eyes are. Some people can get away with a gradient tint, others can’t. I would err on the side of more tint and swapping the frames indoors though – wearing sunglasses inside always looks a little silly