My favourite outfits

March 12th 2021

In our recent article ' Outfits that I got wrong', a reader commented that he would be interested in the opposite post. Not outfits I got right - hopefully there are lots of those - but ones I got the most right, or I like the most. Perhaps, those t...

My favourite outfits

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The Galway just about, the Ambleside yes with the storm welt etc...

StyleMarch 12th 2021

Clutch Cafe: A guide to my favourite brands

September 7th 2020

There is a handful of menswear shops in London that I recommend regularly to friends visiting from abroad. They include Trunk, Connolly, Drake's and Anderson & Sheppard Haberdashery. All boutiques, all founded in the past decade. The most ...

Clutch Cafe: A guide to my favourite brands

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I think that's beautiful Amit, but it is also a very particular style - I'd want to try it on to get a sense of the vintage fit...

Casual clothing - CoatsSeptember 7th 2020